Essential oils and hydrosols with Ukrainian spirit

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Aroma Fields is the first and the only Ukrainian producer of authentic essential oils and hydrosols with a full production cycle, certified according to international quality standards ISO 9001:2015. We grow aromatic plants on our own field in the heart of Ukraine according to the sustainable principles of the biodynamic agriculture and cooperate with organic farmers in order to create the best products, taking care about your health and environment.


aromatic herbs on our own field


at our own production facilities


authentic plant extracts

International certification
ISO 9001:2015

Our main priority is 100% product quality, which we produce according to the highest international standards, taking care of your health, the environment and future generations


Essential oils

More than 50 high-quality essential oils in our aromatic assortment - local, exotic, unique



100% plant extracts without any preservatives and additives. Created with unique technology for skin care and theraputic purposes. Open the world of exquisite hydrosols now!  


Top essential oils

Cypress essential oil is therapeutic
Cypress essential oil is therapeutic

390 UAH 690 UAH

Lavender therapeutic essential oil
Lavender therapeutic essential oil

490 UAH 790 UAH

Frankincense essential oil is therapeutic
Frankincense essential oil is therapeutic

980 UAH 1 690 UAH

Tea tree essential oil is therapeutic
Tea tree essential oil is therapeutic

480 UAH 790 UAH

Bergamot essential oil is therapeutic
Bergamot essential oil is therapeutic

590 UAH 990 UAH

Ginger essential oil is therapeutic
Ginger essential oil is therapeutic

690 UAH 1 190 UAH

Sweet orange essential oil is therapeutic
Sweet orange essential oil is therapeutic

290 UAH 490 UAH

Pine therapeutic essential oil
Pine therapeutic essential oil

390 UAH 690 UAH

Ylang-ylang therapeutic essential oil
Ylang-ylang therapeutic essential oil

580 UAH 930 UAH

Cinnamon essential oil is therapeutic
Cinnamon essential oil is therapeutic

990 UAH 1 690 UAH

Cedar essential oil is therapeutic
Cedar essential oil is therapeutic

390 UAH 690 UAH

Turmeric essential oil is therapeutic
Turmeric essential oil is therapeutic

580 UAH 980 UAH

Gift sets

Surprise your loved one with a fragrant and caring gift. Custom kits are available for different skin types.

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Top skin care products

Lavender hydrolate
Lavender hydrolate

490 UAH

Mint hydrolat
Mint hydrolat

520 UAH

Hydrolate of juniper berries
Hydrolate of juniper berries

540 UAH

Yarrow hydrolate
Yarrow hydrolate

810 UAH

Customer Reviews

Ваші олії – скарб! Не можу порівнювати, хоча є з чим, я пробувала багато різних. Навіть у парфуми коли додаєш вашу лаванду, вона звучить інакше. Все, що робиться з душею, неймовірної якості. Бажаю Вам і Вашій справі процвітання та розвитку 

Каріне Башкова

Дуже вдячна вам за гідролати. Син перекупався в морі та піднялася температура. Дала гідролат лаванди та чебрецю розведений у воді. Та гідролат троянди на все тіло. Температура спала і все як рукою зняло. І відпочинок продовжили далі 

Наталія Симоненко

Добрий вечір. Ще раз хочу подякувати за олії. Дуже якісні, відчувається, наскільки ж вони насичені. У мене є залишки деяких олій інших ТМ. Вони там теж якісні, АЛЕ! В ваших оліях більш насичений багаторівневий аромат. Це 100%! Це говорить про більш тривалу і якісну дистиляцію. А так трапляється тільки в нішевих виробників. 

Христина Свистунова

Олійка ветиверу м’яко розкладає мене по поличкам і дає таку рівновагу та спокій, що навіть уявити не могла, на скільки це працює 

Вікторія Пащенко

Доброго вечора. Хочу поділитися з вами емоціями. Я просто в захваті. Отримала посилочку. Лаванда – це щось неймовірне, бленд підкорив моє серце, а гідролат справді робить чудеса. Після першого використання подумала, що здалося, але ні. Він реально працює. Заспокоює, зменшує подразнення, забирає почервоніння. Відчуття, коли розпилюєш на обличчя не можна передати. Дякую Вам за продукцію.  Хочу тільки попросити…будь ласка, залишайтеся завжди такі якісні! 

Оксана Шульга

Дякую вам. Ви просто найкращі. Ваші засоби справді дієві. Після душу в мене була стягнута шкіра, на деяких ділянках з’являвся зуд, хоча миючими могла не користуватися, але то літо, миєшся кожного дня. Після використання гідролатів шкіра заспокоювалася. Тільки так і спасаюся. Обличчя теж іноді без води, просто вмиваю гідролатом. Так що ви моя знахідка. Рада, що ви в мене є. Вам розвитку, успіхів і процвітання. 

Любов Арабаджі

Доброго дня! Хочу вам подякувати за ваші ефіри. Замовила у вас ефірну олію ягід ялівцю, на цій олії змогла схуднути на 3 кг, тому що вона є детоксом для моєї лімфодренажної системи. З психологічного ефекту можу сказати, що олія діє як заспокійливий засіб та врівноважує мої жіночі гормони! 

Анна Кандиба

Добрий день! Хотіла вам подякувати, деревій то взагалі мій маст хев на всі часи, а от олія… завдяки вам я зрозуміла, що ніколи раніше справжньої ефірної олії не мала! Ваша олія просто фантастична, диво, такий ніжний аромат, такий справжній, я просто в шаленому захваті!!! Безмежно дякую вам за вашу працю та магію! Тепер дуже хочу спробувати всі Ваші олії. Я навіть боюсь уявити, який аромат у троянди, чи лаванди чи ветиверу! 

Любов Вовк

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Natural cosmetic

In recent years, the trend for natural cosmetics has been growing rapidly in Ukraine and the world. A woman is becoming more and more aware that mass market products are full of dangerous chemicals that adversely affect her female body. Therefore, organic cosmetics among women is gaining rapid popularity.

Having tried at least once our natural professional cosmetics, you will understand that it is love from the first use. Since you are holding in your hands not just a natural face cream or tonic, you are holding a 100% natural composition, pleasant emotions, the desire to take care of yourself and love yourself, the opportunity to enjoy the moment, here and now.

Ukrainian natural cosmetics Aroma Fields

The brand of Ukrainian natural cosmetics Aroma Fields was created for women who consciously choose natural care and a healthy lifestyle. We profess the philosophy "from farm to skin", which literally means "from the field to the skin." What does it mean? Aroma Fields is the only manufacturer of organic cosmetics and natural essential oils in Ukraine with a full production cycle. 40 km from Kyiv, we grow aromatic herbs and plant components ourselves, which we then carefully process to produce natural cosmetics. High quality natural essential oils are found in every product of our organic cosmetics. Thanks to this, Aroma Fields natural cosmetics have not only healing properties in skin, body and hair care, but also a pleasant herbal aroma.

Aroma Fields natural cosmetics of plant origin are created from carefully selected high quality ingredients. Choosing Ukrainian natural cosmetics, you make a choice in favor of your own health and beauty. After all, with our organic cosmetics you will forget about rashes on the face, problems with the skin of the face, acne, hair loss or brittleness, dry skin, dark circles around the eyes, early appearance of wrinkles. And you can use natural essential oils of the highest quality to maintain your own physical and emotional health, prevent diseases, and use them in your work.

Every conscious Ukrainian woman should buy natural cosmetics in the Aroma Fields online store. So, you care not only about your own health and environmental friendliness, but also support the Ukrainian manufacturer of organic cosmetics and natural essential oils.

Organic cosmetics by skin type

An individual approach to the client is one of the key principles of our brand, so we create natural professional cosmetics for different skin types in order to satisfy the most diverse needs of our clients. For example, eco-friendly face cosmetics are presented in our assortment in three lines:

  • The Alba series is a line of natural cosmetics for dry and mature skin, which has a friendly composition, provides intensive hydration and nourishment to the skin of the face, prevents the appearance of mimic wrinkles, stimulates collagen production, and has an anti-aging effect. Natural professional cosmetics of this series are suitable for women over the age of 35.
  • The Buena series is natural cosmetics for combination and normal facial skin, it delicately cares for your skin, moderately moisturizing and saturating it with active nutrients.
  • The Betty series is an organic cosmetics for oily and problematic skin, consisting of exclusively natural ingredients. Ecological cosmetics of this series moderately cleanses, tones and moisturizes your skin, gives a matting effect, regulates sebum production, intensively cleanses dust and dirt residues, and prevents problems on the skin of the face.

Natural Ukrainian cosmetics for face, hair and body

Buying natural cosmetics for the face is not enough, because care should be comprehensive, including organic cosmetics for the body and hair. At Aroma Fields, we care about every centimeter of your body, so we create Ukrainian natural cosmetics for its different parts:

Natural cosmetics for the face

The Aroma Fields natural cosmetics store offers not only basic facial skin care, but also intensive. Natural basic care cosmetics include products for facial skin cleansing, toning and moisturizing. Organic intensive care cosmetics are easily complemented by intensive moisturizing masks and natural serums. For example, we have specially developed a natural anti-wrinkle cream for the eye area, which cares not only about moisturizing, but also about even tone, removing dark circles and bags under the eyes.

Natural cosmetics for hair

Natural professional hair cosmetics are represented by basic care (organic hair shampoo, natural hair balm and natural hair mask). This organic cosmetics was created to gently cleanse the hair and deeply nourish it. Thanks to organic hair care cosmetics, you minimize the problem of dull hair, brittle and split ends, fight hair loss, restore shine and elasticity to your hair.

The body care products at Aroma Fields natural cosmetics store are made especially for your special spa ritual. Natural bath salt, natural soap, natural hand cream - all these care products relax your body, soothe your skin, have a positive effect on your psycho-emotional state, and improve your overall well-being.

natural essential oils

Natural essential oils are a significant part of the Aroma Fields brand. We are actively developing the culture of aromatherapy in Ukraine, we care not only about the appearance, but also about the health and inner world of a woman with all her problems, difficulties or shortcomings. Natural essential oils help us with this. The power of natural essential oils is still greatly underestimated, but their therapeutic and curative effects have been fully proven. In our product range you can buy natural essential oils against health problems without the use of medicines.

Natural cosmetics gift sets

Natural cosmetics for a gift is a win-win option to congratulate yourself, your girlfriend, mother, sister, wife. A set of natural cosmetics is something that any representative of the fair sex will appreciate. Organic cosmetics are packaged in a stylish branded box. Such a gift set of eco cosmetics will create a real holiday and give the owner the most pleasant emotions. If it is difficult to choose and buy natural cosmetics for a gift, then in this case a gift certificate will always help out, which will allow the owner to choose whatever she wants. Aroma Fields gift certificates are available in denominations of 500 and 1000 UAH.

Ecological cosmetics are safe for all ages

Of course, our organic cosmetics are the most popular among women. However, our care products for teens and girls are also absolutely safe, because they consist of exclusively natural ingredients and are recommended for use in the presence of certain skin problems, because they have a natural and organic composition and delicately solve teenage rashes. Children's recommendations relate mainly to the direction of aroma and hydrotherapy. Men prefer to buy natural cosmetics and gift sets for their mothers, wives, loved ones.

Where and how to buy natural cosmetics?

In fact, there are many manufacturers of Ukrainian natural cosmetics, but none of them is a manufacturer of key ingredients, does not have a full production cycle, none of them chooses natural ingredients so carefully. You can buy natural cosmetics in the Aroma Fields online store right here on the website or on the Instagram page by ordering in direct. You will be pleasantly surprised not only by the high quality and individual approach, but also by the democratic and affordable price of eco cosmetics. Natural Ukrainian cosmetics at an affordable price is the dream of every woman. Aroma Fields makes your dreams come true. Your many positive reviews about our organic cosmetics testify to this. Nice price, high quality, incredible aroma, natural composition - what else do you need for a woman and beauty?

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