The magic of hydrosols

Posted By: Aromafield Published: 24/01/2023 Comments: 0

The magic of hydrosols

Why, in fact, the “Magic of Hydrolates”? Because distillation is a magical process. On the one hand, this process can be explained - heating, evaporation, transpiration and condensation, but on the other hand, just think - we extract the whole essence of the plant. Molecules previously found in the cells of individual plant parts are revealed to us in the alchemical aggregate we know as hydrolates.

An aqueous product of distillation, hydrosols carry the volatile components of the plant. The term hydrolat , which was recently introduced into aromatherapy by Jeanne Rose, can simply be broken down into two parts. Hydro, meaning water, and lat, meaning milk.

Although the term hydrolate originated in the 20th century, its creation has a much longer history. We can find evidence of distillation dating back thousands of years. And the products of this process were given different names, such as aromatic waters, herbal waters, flower waters.

When you distill a hydrolate, you can witness the release of different flavor notes over time. The first distillate will often have a sharper and stronger flavor because it contains more essential oils. The final distillate will have more subtle ethereal notes.

The first and last distillate can be mixed together at will, so you will collect the full spectrum of aromas and the full spirit of the plant.

Hydrolats as aromatic drugs can be used in many ways. The most common programs are offered for calming the nervous system or skin care in aromacosmetology.

Hydrolates carry a particle of the soul of the plant, which, when applied, connects with yours. The next time you use a hydrolate , stop for a moment and take in the subtle scent of the plant it's made from and the power it can deliver.


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