Aromatherapy as a way of meditation

Posted By: Aromafield Published: 24/01/2023 Comments: 0

Aromatherapy as a way of meditation

The daily practice of meditation, supplemented by the use of aromatherapy, in other words, aromatherapy as a way of meditation, helped maintain my own calmness, awareness and endurance. Although there are many systems and types of meditation, the use of essential oils can be a great addition to any practice. Essential oils can be cut in the meditation room using various types of diffusers or inhaled using the basic inhalation method by placing a couple of drops of essential oils in the palm of your hand, pressing against your face and inhaling deeply. The benefits and effects are immediate. And depending on the choice of essential oils and their therapeutic properties, fragrance can evoke different sensations and moods. (Below I will share a list of recommended essential oils for meditation and their benefits.)

Essential oils in aromatherapy

There are a wide range of proven benefits of essential oils for meditation, such as reducing stress and anxiety, promoting better sleep, boosting mood-boosting serotonin to regulate the limbic system, or activating the parasympathetic branch of our nervous system responsible for rest and relaxation. And these are just a few examples.

When you inhale an essential oil, the oil molecules move through the nostrils up the nasal cavity and through the olfactory plates, which are directly connected to the limbic system and our brain's emotional control centers. Of our five senses, smell is the sense organ that will report directly to the brain center. The inhalation of essential oils provides a powerful resource for our emotional, mental and spiritual well-being.

Practical aromatherapy as a way of meditation

Having settled down comfortably, I first cleanse my space around me with frankincense essential oil, then I apply vetiver essential oil produced with vegetable oil on my palms, inhale it deeply for a couple of minutes. The aromatic notes of vetiver establish a connection between my senses and my subconscious body.

When I start meditation, I start with two or three conscious breaths in and out to completely fill my lungs with oxygen, then I go into the usual mode of breathing without difficulty and just calmly observe. If any thoughts arise, I slowly release them. Finishing my practice with thanks for my meditation ritual. For 10-20 minutes a day, this practice sets my mood for the day, sets my body and mind.

The best essential oils for aromatherapy as a way to meditate

Any essential oil can be effective in aiding the practice of meditation, these are personal benefits after all. Here are my top 5 essential oils that I recommend for this purpose:

Frankincense (Boswellia sacra) - The aromatic profile is a sweet, crisp green resin texture with an orange tinge; has calming properties, adjusts to self-awareness.

Sage (Salvia officinalis) - Aromatic profile smooth, green, spicy peppery aroma with camphor undertones; benefits - getting rid of negative energy, stagnation of opinions.

Sandalwood (Santalum Spicatum) - aromatic profile sweet, smooth, creamy, woody with refreshing light undertones; benefits - concentration, relaxation, supports the mental centers of our brain.

Vetiver (Vetiveria zizanioides) - aromatic profile deeply rich, rooty, resinous, grassy aroma with smoky undertones; the benefits are grounding, appeasing and centering, rooting us in the moment.

Ylang Ylang (Cananga odorata) - aromatic profile richly sweet, candy-like, floral tones; the benefits are uplifting and uplifting.


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