Essential oils improve sleep

Posted By: Aromafield Published: 24/01/2023 Comments: 0

"A good laugh and a good sleep are the two best remedies" is an Irish proverb.

Every time we ask the interlocutor when he was sleeping, this is a unique story every time. However, he is becoming less and less likely to hear that he slept like a baby. Crazy pace of life, overload of information, a group of unresolved problems more and more does not allow you to fall asleep. And if we manage to do this, then we often see dreams.

Sleep is an important part of our life. The quality of our lives depends on strong or embarrassing sleep. And its complete rejection may even destroy it. The quantity and quality of our sleep directly affect our mood, our activities, the functioning of our internal organs, our appearance.

That is why sleep is one of those priorities that should be given special attention. The deeper we delve into the topic of sleep, the more we discover how many factors go into it. Diet, stress levels, digital habits, even the amount of light in the bedroom all contribute to sleep quality. The good news is that we can influence these factors. Bad news - your sleep will not improve if you ignore them!

Of course, there are factors that are easier to influence, such as reducing your caffeine intake throughout the day. However, there are more complex factors that affect the quality of our sleep, such as hormonal imbalances, which cause systemic changes in our bodies that affect sleep.

Then we come up to provide positive changes to improve our sleep.

As with any other aspect of our lives, aromatherapy offers a terrific range of options for improving sleep quality.

Here, at least, take lavender (Lavandula angustifolia). It is well known that lavender has a calming effect on the human nervous system. But in addition to this action, it also has properties that relieve pain, spasms, and inflammation. In addition, for many of us, the scent of lavender is simply incredible.

Therefore, to achieve the desired effect, you can use lavender essential oils or mixed with other equally powerful essential oils, which can enhance the effect of lavender and guarantee 100% strong and quality sleep. You can always order a blend of essential oils to improve sleep. The option of creating an individual mixture is also possible. To do this, write a request.

If you have a high quality lavender oil in your arsenal, you can apply it directly to your temple before bed, or put a few drops on your pillow, or spray it into a diffuser in your bedroom.

Sweet dreams!


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