Essential oil of juniper berries is therapeutic
970 UAH
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Organic essential oil of juniper berries (Juniper berry)
Juniperus communis
Composition: 100% organic and therapeutic essential oil of juniper berries
Country of origin: Ukraine
Extraction method: Steam distillation
Plant part: berries
Shelf life: 36 months
Storage conditions: in a cool, dark place at a temperature no higher than +15°C (it is preferable to store in the refrigerator if you rarely use it). Avoid direct sunlight and warm/hot surfaces. Do not expose to oxidation and ingress of air.
urinary, digestive, circulatory, reproductive systems
Therapeutic action:
detoxifying, diuretic, antihistaminic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, analgesic, antimicrobial, antirheumatic, antiviral, antispasmodic
Symptoms for which essential oil of juniper berries is recommended for use:
Hemorrhagic: weak blood circulation
Digestive: weak appetite, flatulence, dyspepsia,
Musculoskeletal: muscle pain, rheumatism, cellulite, stretch marks, spasms, edema
Respiratory: flu and cold symptoms, bronchitis
Skin: acne, oily skin, cold sores, eczema, slow-healing scars
Urinary: urinary tract infections
Psycho-emotional: fluctuating energy levels, anxiety, coldness, fear, trembling, feeling closed, lack of motivation
Methods of use:
Diffusion, nasal inhalation, steam inhalation, general massage and massage of reflex points in diluted form, skin application, point application, oral (internal) application, bath, foot and hand baths
Precautions and contraindications:
- Do not use internally for chronic diseases and inflammation of the kidneys
- Contraindicated internal use during pregnancy and breastfeeding
- Do not use essential oil for intravenous or intramuscular injections
- Do not apply essential oil directly to mucous membranes, nose, eyes, ear canal, etc
- Never heat juniper berry essential oil for diffusion. Use only a special diffuser for spraying essential oils
- Due to the high content of monoterpenes, store in the refrigerator, as the oil can quickly oxidize. Do not use oxidized oil on the skin or internally
The history of the use of juniper berries
Juniper berries are one of many aromatics in traditional Greek medicine that are now also used in essential oil form. The ancient plant grows wild in the Eastern Mediterranean countries and in the Far East, as far as the Western Himalayas, and has been used for thousands of years by most cultures for smoking for ritual and therapeutic purposes. Since the invention of distilled alcohol, the berries have been distilled mainly to flavor gin and spirits. Today, distilled essential oil of juniper is a modern product of essential oil therapy. In order to fully appreciate its numerous functions, let's divide them into two parts: physiological and psychological effects depending on the method of using the essential oil.
Essential oil of juniper berries - physiological benefits
From a physiological point of view, juniper berries are a warming and drying stimulant. Due to the stimulation of arterial blood circulation, its stimulating effect extends to various organ systems. In the context of phytotherapy, its traditional indications have always been chronic atonic, cold conditions, especially of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary and neuromuscular systems. Chronic rheumatic and arthritic diseases - juniper berry essential oil has a special effect on them due to the spectrum of interconnected pharmacological actions. These include an excellent diuretic effect that promotes systemic metabolic detoxification and alkalinization – just like dandelion root. Many forms of metabolic toxicosis, including skin rashes, will improve with the essential oil as it changes acidic interstitial fluids to more alkaline ones.
In the gastrointestinal tract, when essential oils are administered internally, juniper berries are also ideal for chronic atonic disorders, such as low production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, gastric ulcer, chronic dysbacteriosis, infections (the significant antibacterial effect of this oil is absolutely appropriate when certain bacteria thrive in functional atony and thereby create infection).
Juniper berries are one of the few essential oils with an excellent anti-edematous effect. This is closely related to its general stimulant nature and again involves the activation of kidney functions more than anything else. As a diuretic, it is also one of the few essential oils that soften hard deposits such as urinary stones and arterial mineral deposits, i.e. arteriosclerosis.
Essential oil of juniper berries - psycho-emotional benefits
At the same time, juniper energy can refresh and clarify the mind. Stagnant, negative, confused thoughts and mental fog are part of its range of possibilities. We can think of juniper as a mental detoxifier as well as a physiological one.
In general, juniper berries are for people with colds, congestion, who feel worse in cold, wet weather; who suffers from poor excretion of metabolic toxins resulting in fatigue, malaise, pain; who exhibit symptoms of mental-emotional stagnation, such as apathy, lethargy, and a negative outlook, backed by an undefined deeper sense of insecurity and powerlessness.