Medicinal sage essential oil is therapeutic

Medicinal sage essential oil is therapeutic

  • 690 UAH

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Sage organic essential oil

Salvia officinalis

Ingredients: 100% organic and therapeutic clary sage essential oil

Country of origin of plant material: Ukraine, Dnipropetrovsk region

Country of production of essential oil: Ukraine, Kyiv region (own capacity of Aroma Fields)

Extraction method: Distillation

Plant part: The fresh flowering above-ground part of the plant

Shelf life: 24 months

Storage conditions: in a cool, dark place at a temperature no higher than +20°C (it is preferable to store in the refrigerator if you rarely use it). Avoid direct sunlight and warm/hot surfaces. Do not expose to oxidation and ingress of air.

Therapeutic effect:

antiaging, wound healing, blood circulation stimulation, hormonal balancer, physical and mental stimulant

Symptoms for which sage essential oil is recommended for use:

cellulite, stretch marks, poor circulation, PMS, menopause, hormonal failure, fluid retention, inflammation of teeth and gums, bad breath, mature skin

Methods of application:

Diffusion, nasal inhalation, steam inhalation, general massage and massage of reflex points in diluted form, skin application, point application, oral (internal) application, bath, foot and hand baths

Precautions and contraindications:

Extremely powerful oil, but due to saturation with ketones (camphor and alpha-thujones) has a number of contraindications that should be known and taken into account:

- It is forbidden to take internally due to the high content of ketones

- Strictly prohibited in any APPEARANCE for children and women who are pregnant or breastfeeding

- Prohibited for people suffering from hypertension

In all other cases, enjoy the power, the amazing aroma of the oil and the beneficial effect on the body

Oil of hormonal health, feminine wisdom and mature skin...

And also an irreplaceable component in anti-cellulite and anti-stretch mark programs!

Very effective in oral care

WARNING! There are many types of clary sage - and each type has its own profile, its own strength and its own contraindications, which depends on the molecular composition of the essential oil. Therefore, pay attention to which sage you buy (nutmeg, medicinal, Spanish or white)

Both clary sage and clary sage work for women's hormonal health, but... There is a rough division, which is that clary sage has a better connection with women of reproductive age, and clary sage - with women who are in the period of pre-menopause, menopause and post-menopause.

An integral component in antiaging care programs for mature skin. Has a softening and tightening effect on wrinkles, restores the cells of the dermal layer of the skin

An essential oil that stimulates blood circulation, therefore it is one of the most effective oils in the treatment of cellulite and stretch marks

Has an excellent binding effect and is often used in combination with wound-healing oils and hydrolats

Oral care: cares for the health of teeth and gums and restores a pleasant smell

Also, it effectively reduces excessive sweating, so it is often added to blends of deodorants and antiperspirants

And, undoubtedly, on a psycho-emotional level, it is an essential oil of wisdom. Contributes to making wise decisions, sharpens memory, awakens feelings

You can buy sage essential oil of medicinal therapeutic quality in the Aroma Fields online store or on the brand's Instagram account .

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